Spitting truths infused with world weary humor mixed with wisdom of the ancients

Re: the Congressional choir (and fallen empires or yore) —


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Ha, thanks, and thanks for the sea shanty — “raise a cheer to the buccaneer king!”

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Good job, Matt.

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Look at the bright side. The annihilation of the human race would avert global warming, saving the ecosystem.

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So what do the Ukrainians want? How many of them want to give half their own country to Vladimir Putin?

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A lot of beating around the bush. Political bumbling aside, is the point that the conflict in Ukraine is unwinnable? That the Ukrainians don't deserve assistance? That the risk of direct conflict with Russia is too great? Does this last rationale mean ceding territory to any nuclear-armed adversary that attacks a neighbor?

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I think the point is that everything we have been told by Biden and NATO is BS.

Doesn’t that bother you?

This whole think is not black and white, it was pointed out that Ukraine was ready to deal back in 2022 but the USA forced the issue.

Isn’t that what Ukraine wanted?

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Yes, the point appears to be 1) barring direct intervention from the West, the war is unwinnable and thousands of lives are being wasted. 2) Ukrainians aren't receiving substantive assistance anyways 3) Ukraine is not NATO, so ceding part of its territory is preferable to the risk of direct conflict with Russia. 4) If Russia invaded a NATO member, we would almost certainly directly engage. But if we really think Ukraine can defeat Russia, than why stress about that possibility? The West/NATO would easily repel any such invasion.

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After the Crocus terrorism I think Russia may be done being the ‘cat’ playing with the Ukrainian ‘mouse’ (no disrespect to those suffering from these US-sponsored games). What other leaders can take courage from a record turnout to vote including those using their embassies around the world. Why are foreign central banks buying gold in record amounts? Which country is hanging by its fingernails to avoid falling in the abyss of debt and despair? Russians are finding themselves - coming of age after decades of repression and chaos - similar to the Celtic Tiger in Ireland which has lifted this country from third world status of 40 years ago and gave birth to a national pride that was sorely missing when I emigrated. Meanwhile, my former country, the US is dissolving into a Godless chaotic dystopia where the people have lost their identity and purpose, led by genocidal Marxist narcissists. Truly a strange time to be alive.

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Great way to off-load aged beater military hardware instead of sending to the scrapyard. What a fiasco.

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Fiasco to you, big bucks to me.

I knew when the USA withdrew from Afghanistan it was only because they needed the resources for a yet larger cash cow operation.

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