I was unaware that people involved at Twitter were connected with the FBI.

It no longer makes sense to say there was no government involvement. It seems that state agents are placed throughout the mainstream media and at social media companies, a fact that I find highly concerning.

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Indeed - Fascism is extremely concerning - and this merging of public and private power - in a secretive fashion - is the, part of the, text book definition of Fascism.

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I'm glad to hear that at least someone is open-minded enough to believe this. I was aware, but only because I had become suspicious of the incestuous relationship between big tech platforms and the intel community long before Donald Trump was elected.

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SAME people -- do you still believe in Russia-gate hoax? The result is the human catastrophe in Ukraine

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Matt Taibbi made a list of talking head some time ago. I was shocked.

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MacLeod’s article in MintPress is outstanding and frightening !!

Elon Musk might just saved the country..

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PS: Unlike St. Obama’s -- “let’s not investigate bank mega-gangsters -- let’s look into future” -- opening path to even greater crimes.

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"This guy wants to tell me we're livin' in a community? Don't make me laugh."


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Sure - yet all this begs the question how many of the same spooks are still in place?

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He’s trying to look like a good guy so that he can easily enslave us in the Martian mines.

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Doubtful. He'd have no use for the likes of you, someone without a brain.

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Congratulations! Yours has been voted "The comment most likely to be attributed to Elisabeth Finch." Seriously, you need to sign up at a RSCS (Remedial Snappy Comebacks School). Classes enroll in January 2023, don't be late!

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Martian mines lookin' pretty good to anyone with hammer-swingin' musculature right now.

Kuato's a mutant, so don't get upset when you see him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXpxFoaH_R4&t=12s

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This is not your real name, correct?

You know what koshmar means in most Slavic languages -- a nightmare ;-))

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Not just Slavic. קאָשמאַר, კოშმარი. The Frantzooses get around.

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Joe Roth walks into a bar...

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MintPress hates the fact that Israel exists.

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God help us. The most damning piece to me is "former top FBI lawyer at Twitter, James Baker." The FBI does not work for American CITIZENS

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

The top echelons in the FBI work for the elites. But not all of the field agents have been corrupted. I hope we'll see a few whistleblowers from the ranks coming forward when the GOP takes control of the House in January. Not that I completely trust the GOP, either.

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Whistleblowers have been co.ing forward but the media keeps burying the facts. Grassley, Johnson, as well as Jim Jordan have testimony from whistleblowers.

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The whistleblowers can blow the whistle, but someone has to publish their stories. Do you remember the final scene of "Three Days of the Condor?"

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Wonderful article. Thank you

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The laptop was in the possession of the FBI from early December 2019, and it had been offered to them two months earlier according to the repair shop owner.

So the FBI sat on the knowledge of the existence of the laptop--containing evidence of Biden family corruption, including corruption relating to Ukraine--through the time of the hearings in the Biden-Ukraine-corruption-allegation-related impeachment of then-President Trump.

And after the hearings were over (but not the voting), the FBI seized the laptop and sat on it some more, until mid or late 2020, when they began warning media and social media about a potential "hack" and "leak" relating to Hunter--why?--pretty clearly to prevent the truth from coming out, or from being accepted as truth if it did come out. Res ipsa loquitur.

This was much more effective interference in politics and elections than a few 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars worth of Russian Facebook adds.

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And they still needed truckloads of fake ballots in swing states to win it.

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Wait so you agree that covid was a bio-weapon and yet you’re still stupid enough to call people terrorist who didn’t take the jab you took? How could any single troglodyte like you, be this stupid this is like group stupid? It is baffling to me that the loudest voices on the left & right like you, are willing to talk out both sides of your pie hole, so publicly and so obliviously. You and the 10% nearest you & the the 10% on the other extreme on the right have to have a collective IQ of 64. Nothing else makes plausible sense

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I am sad the election was stolen. But I'm happy that you at least admit COVID was a Chinese bioweapon.

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Hey Gene STFU

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How have you come up with that gross generalization?

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You must be a lib turd.

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That is a out and out lie 😡

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I agree with the Trump supporters (and many others) that it wasn't dangerous enough to warrant the worldwide lockdowns and panic. As for the vax, well, we'll see.

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Poor Gene. Reduced to this. Remember when he was The Big Man on Campus? Now, he's scrounging around on the internet, looking like a You Tube mangy dog waiting to be rescued.

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Hey Gene, You are #1 Clod Poll

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The FBI had the Biden Laptop since 2019, and the @MarcoPoloUSA report shows evidence of at least 459 crimes on that laptop

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Excellent summary of what we (those of us who were paying attention) already knew. And there is so much more to expose! Ballot harvesting, opaque electronic vote tabulators, FBI plants trying to incite the crowd at the January 6 event, the entire COVID scam -- from tyrannical lockdowns to unnecessary facemasks to mandating an ineffective, and likely dangerous, experimental vaccine. At this point I think we can assume that the more hysterically the mainstream media attacked someone, the more likely it was that they were telling the truth.

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Excellent analysis, thanks.

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Just would like to make a correction from the very beginning. The United States has NEVER been a democracy. I wish people would get it right.

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The United States has ALWAYS been a democracy. Save your constitutional republic bullshit for someone else

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You are only embarrassing yourself with such a ridiculous statement. But I would not expect anything else from a normie. Our country is a REPUBLIC just like the Pledge of Allegiance says.. As far as normies are concerned, they fall into 2 categories. Either they were born stupid, and their parents failed them, or they are under the mass formation psychosis horseshit... I tend to believe you fall into the later.

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Dude, the United States has been nothing but an oligarchy from day one. Democracy never entered into the formulation except as a cover story. The United States exists as it does because the individual colonies were taking the whole democracy thing a little too seriously for the elites of the time. In classical liberal political economics (the foundational philosophy of the US), "liberty" refers to property in all cases. And Washington was a sleazy real estate developer.

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This was more than censorship, manipulation of public opinion, suppression of information, and psy-ops by Three-Letter Agencies.

It was a soft coup de'etat carried out for four solid years.

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But, Hillary's "October surprise" was based on accurate news reporting & a legitimate federal law enforcement investigation. It should have been reported that Hillary was back under investigation... because she was. Similarly, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was based on accurate news reporting & should have been reported on. Yet, it was nixed due to political bias. The 2 "October Surprises" were both legitimate stories, but only 1 was reported on.

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So the moral of the story is that if you actually report on what the democrats are doing, they lose.

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Well... my point is that the Democrats feel they were burnt in 2016 by the FBI's statement that Hillary was under investigation. They weren't burnt by that news. Hillary being back under investigation was not an attempt to manipulate the news cycle in late October of 2016 (my recollection is that the story broke during the summer, but I could be wrong.). But regardless, it was a legitimate news story... not a last minute attempt to manipulate the headlines. There was no foul play in running that story whether it was summer of 2016 or October. "October Surprises" are typically defined as "non-stories" or even old news released at the last minute with no time for the campaigns to respond which can influence close races. This was no October Surprise. It was a legitimate news story which should have been reported on when the FBI released it.

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You know your country is fucked when the ruling class is terrified that you find out true things that actually happened, and the majority of their base (regardless of side) is perfectly fine with covering it up. Can't have the wrong lizard win, after all.

I guess if they could figure out the best way to not be busted for being crooked is to, you know, not be crooked, they wouldn't have chosen and actively pursues a life of corruption.

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Why do you think they've shifted the narrative from "election denier" to "subverting the Constitution"? And every limp-wristed, nutless-sacked Uniparty cuck goes right along with it.

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This is Putinite garbage. Hopefully this Bivens character is deported if he's in the States.

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When you've come to believe -- regardless of how (or even why, for that matter) -- that Trump is America's Hitler (or worse), you've then created for yourself a limitless well of self-important "justification" to do whatever it takes to bring him, and anything connected to him, down. Further, when you find yourself surrounded by like-minded colleagues, then you're all off and running... integrity, the rule of law, First Amendment, American democracy, all of it be damned. The rot is deep and its reach is broad, perhaps beyond recovery. Regardless, bravo Musk, Tiabbi, Weiss (and with this piece, you too Matt). I truly hope this "Twitter Files" move catches and gains momentum...

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This is idiotic. Yes, Hunter's dick pics will save America. Absolutely idiotic. Also, there is no violation

of free speech here. Twitter is a private company, Joe Biden was a private citizen at the time of this request. DNC also is not an official part of the government. If you are looking for bias look at Fox 'News.' The collusion between Fox and DeSantis is unparalleled. DeSantis doesn't make a move unless Fox signs off on it.

Also, if Trump made requests to squelch posts while President now that IS A VIOLATION of free speech. Sorry your werewolf MAGA senate candidate lost commies.

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