Has anyone ever held a peace summit without both parties present? The world laughs as Kamala spews copy pasta word salad. Swiss should know better than to waste everyone’s time and money on this farce.

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Yes, Yuri. We need to seriously question why anyone would believe this was a negotiation (in any sense) about peace. This was nothing but a lie for network news. Why do politicians still think we're this stupid

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I don't know, ask your friends the Israelis you vile hypocrite.

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The war may be destroying UA but it has been successful in gathering the US vassals back under their suzerain. They stopped doing business with RF, accepting sanctions that protect US producers from price competition. It has worked so well that Biden has been trying to do the same with CN. The efforts to get TW nationalists to provoke a military response from CN (like UA did with RF) hasn't been going well, which is presumably why the US is currently trying to stir things up between PH and CN. American EVs cost more than twice as much as Chinese. The US can subsidize its producers with a 100% duty on CN EVs but how does it prevent its vassals from buying them? War! That's that it's good for.

Putin's proposal also included inviting Europe into a new TBD Eurasian security architecture. How can the US best prevent that? War!

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Although getting to peace is important to me, I assume that dissolving NATO is a non-starter because it’s too easy for the foreign policy establishment to counter such a proposal with fearmongering about the dangers of Russian expansionism.

Although still a long shot, a more feasible approach might be to pressure America to make an offer to withdraw its major military installations to France's eastern border in exchange for freezing things where they are now in the Ukraine. Such a strategic retreat would benefit Russia (because it could declare a meaningful victory), America (because it would “incent” our European allies to shoulder more responsibilities for Europe’s defense), and Ukraine (because its young would be spared the meatgrinder that is contemporary warfare). It also might be difficult for the foreign policy establishment to counter a proposal that keeps America in Europe while effecting America’s long-term objective of shifting some the cost of Europe’s defense to our NATO allies.

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You are doing nothing here but playing with absurd details. Don't get caught in that distracting game.

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Sounds about right. Why not complete the mission and bring back all US troops from Europe and put them on our northern and southern borders? Russia doesn’t have enough men to attack Europe. NATO is a joke. The only actual NATO is the USA. The rest won’t fight, won’t pay, and won’t send their boys to die in any war.

No worries, within 20 years the entire Western Europe will be renamed “the Islamic Caliphate of Berlin”. So, why bother?

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Thank you. Realistic assessment.

Ukraine is NOT a country to allow in NATO. Our invitation is ridiculous provocation, and was intended to be.

The parochial cold war mentality that still exists among old politicians in DC must be eliminated.

Humanity must evolve to world peace through intelligent negotiation.

War is nothing but a money game that destroys all involved.

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There’s a select few who haven’t tired of the Russia Ukraine war. Lindsey being one of them. The real reason this whole thing started was because the CIA fucked things up in Ukraine building underground bases and when they kept getting caught after several threats from Putin the war was on. Lindsey (always looking for any fight) was a big supporter (still is) of this CIA meddling in the region and since the CIA always has a scenario where they get out clean this is scenario number 3. Putin extending the olive branch as I’m sure he’s tiring of the losses too should be taken seriously because Ukraine can never win this war and should Russia ramp up and got seriously serious I’m sure Kyiv would fall rather quickly. Ukraine is running out of fighting age men and the calendar only moves 24 hours a day. Time for this war to end.

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Lindsey Graham is much like Biden and many other aged politicians who still mentally live in the cold war era. We need younger advanced thinkers who live in present time. The CIA and its dangerous activities must go. They are nothing but an instrument of provocation.

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If I ever became president my first order would be eliminating any and all 3/4 letter agencies not created by Congress. I’d also do a deep dive on all these security agencies. There’s no need to have homeland security and the FBI. Aren’t they the same thing? No reason to seperate them with all these heads. It can all come under one umbrella with divisions. I’m not saying we don’t need security but two doing the same thing is just stupid and wasteful. Time to cut the fat and let the states do what they are supposed to do.

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And the 825 US bases in the World.A few strategic dozens is well enough.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

The CIA/DARPA were building Biological Weapons factories all over Ukraine to use against the American people sometime in the next year. Covid-25 will be the excuse to declare marshal law.

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I have been shouting for more than 2 years that Ukraine is absolutely NONE of our business, it is Germany’s business. Germany’s insane climate scam , the “War of the Solar Panels” is their fault. Eastern Ukraine is Russia. In fact, all of Ukraine is a Russian province for 1000 years when Vladimir the Great unified the Rus. Kiev was the ancient capital city.

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Ah Kremlo-bot propaganda. There is a way this ends - with Russia broken into 21 constituent republics, with Muscovy as a UN mandate, and the current Russian leadership arrested and tried in a Nuremburg like setting. Those responsible for Russian crimes against humanity need to be executed.

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Ukraine Is Doomed! *End of Story*

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Like many conflicts, small, medium or large, it boils down to who has the industrial capability to keep the fight up and prevail. In this case the Russian Federation has the advantage and have put lie to the industrial base and military industrial complex here in the USA and in Western Europe. They can “afford” to lose 50 armored vehicle a day and sustain the fight, Ukraine aka the West cannot. The war is over for the most part, it’s a matter of how much and far Russia has the stomach and will to go. They have two open fronts, smaller north to south towards Kharkiv and the broader east to west axis of the Donbas. How’s the natural border of the Dnieper River sound to everyone. As to Odesa, if the RF/Putin deem it of enough strategic and commercial importance they will take it and there is not a damn thing short of an global nuclear exchange that will stop it. The faster all parties are at a real negotiation the better, it’s gone on far too long and the outcomes for both combatants and the Allie’s of Ukraine are devastating. As Americans we should be mortified that our “leadership” writ large got this mess going and now use it for some political football game. It is just tragic.

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What is the link for RFK Jr. wonderful election poster where he yields a giant sledgehammer? Does anybody know? Many thanks


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It's a dreadful shame that a lot of people who see the vileness of the US regime at the same time keep their fingers crossed for the cockroaches of Hamas, because "Zionism". It makes mentally normal people like me feel very lonely, the impression that each camp is somehow infested with some deeper darkness.

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Did not know Switzerland could arrest Putin….important information.

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The Gray Zone debunked the whole "kidnapping" thing over a year ago.

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Why Russia doesn't want to conquer Ukraine while the USA very much wants this.


According to experts Ukraine was deliberately created to have a Russian majority, thus keeping it under Russian control.


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Bravo !!

We are drowning in lies....

The testimony of Capitol Police Chief Sund (as he fully revealed in his interview with Tucker Carlson - Ep. 15 – Aug 10, 2023 – “Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th. Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back.”


…fully disclosed that Jan 6 was a CIA/DNC/Pentagon set-up and -- a continuation of the Russia-gate fraud and hoax of the century.

One of direct results - two large Slavic nations in an “unprovoked” war in middle of Europe.

Mark Milley’s Attempted Coup – Jun 19, 2024 – Jim Jordan


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Off topic.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Lies upon lies in a War Uniparty US.

Ukraine is unimportant -- weakening Russia by pulling it into a prolonged war and forcing it to conquer unfriendly territory is the objective.

TC -- How do you know American politics is dominated by a uniparty that seeks to oppress you? Because both sides oppose free speech. Glenn Greenwald explains. – Jun 18, 2024


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