Joe, Jill, Nancy and Chuck and most of the deep state think they can hide in a government bunker in case of attack. They are willing to burn the country down to assure they still rule, even if only over the ashes. As truly evil as it gets!

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Under international law, Russia has the obligation to protect civilians in the territories it occupies. This includes Crimea, which is legally recognized as a part of Ukraine. Allowing civilians to frolic on the beach next to obvious military targets violates this obligation. In fact, Russia could instead be accused of using Russian and Ukrainian citizens as human shields to further its military ends.

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You mean they are using the same dirty tactics the US is using? Awful!

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You'll have to provide some facts and detail if you want a reply.

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I think you mean that Hamas is using, right?

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It wasn't America who did it. It was the US Government. Big difference. US Government hates its own people and treats them as tax slaves. This news doesn't surprise me.

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America didn't fire those missiles, but the Ukrainians should have. They want invaders out of their homeland, and they need to win the war to get the Russians to stop attacking. But I do agree that we are tax slaves, unable to have a real voice in how our elected representatives spend the money they forcibly take from us.

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This conflict and proxy war the US and Western European are waging against the Russian Federation will not end well. It is too late to simply blame Russian aggression, it is what it was and now we are in a war of continuation. Perhaps those in favor of the continued use of US higher technology weaponry in this conflict, were to wake to find nuclear tipped short and longer range missiles based in Cuba or Venezuela that could target Miami, Atlanta, Houston, notionally Chicago, New York City or lord forbid Foggy Bottom aka Washington, DC the light would go on. Stop the fighting, get a settlement. Any that wish to continue the fight on the side of Ukraine ought not speak again until they have arrived in Kiev and been assigned to a fighting unit on either the northern front around Kharkiv or the east west front of the eastern oblast. Everyone talks big until as Iron Mike Tyson opined until they get hit in the face. Am very sorry but how many dead Ukrainians will it take before “we” in the west say enough. Putin is prepared to go the distance conventionally, until…but maybe that’s the gamble he would never launch a nuclear strike…and artificial sweeteners are good for you, there were WMD’s in Iraq, and Anna Nicole married for love.

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"how many dead Ukrainians will it take before “we” in the west say enough." -- Until "the last Ukrainian," per Blinken.

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In DC, dead Ukrainians are seen as a big plus.

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We did,no one is trained to fire our missiles other than Americans our satellites our fucked up intel we care so much about the children…..trafficking and organ harvesting

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But if there was peace, what would happen to the defence (offence) commitments made by various governments?

There are many new armaments to provision, extended periods of peace lead to equipment and munitions becoming dated. Much lobbying has taken placed and multiple billions have been allocated to a war effort (or peace at all costs, whichever works).

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The Russians are livid 'cause their attacking Ukraine didn't go as planned.

That's NO EXCUSE that US made and US supplied munitions are being used to target Russian positions.

Biden and his cohort are going to ignite WW III if they keep up this gamesmanship, all while the potential for a nuclear holocaust (that leaves the world's population at a 'manageable' number... once the radiation has half-lifed to a safe level outside their bunkers) grows incrementally towards 100%.

There may not BE an election come November here 'cause there won't be any ELECTORATE left to vote, in person OR by absentee ballot the way this is headed.

God in heaven help us!

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"(Someday, Vladimir Putin will leave the Russian presidency. Who will take over for him? Someone like Medvedev?)"

One of the main goals of the war is to get a hostile leader of Russia who will scare the pants off of the EU, thusly cementing their vassal status and locking them in to expensive natural gas from the USA. As a bonus, the resulting decline in EU industry creates jobs in the USA.

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Oh yes...great goals. Obviously worth killing people to accomplish.

War is an abomination: the solution for humans with un-evolved brains and conscious.

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So, is your argument that it should be reported here more or that the US should force Ukraine to the negotiating table (in a position of weakness)? I agree with the first premise but disagree with second because Ukraine will never do that as it would mean giving up territory. Biden's problem is he's trying to take the middle road and it is not working, nor will it (ie, supplying Ukraine with better weapons while telling them to make peace). He's got to pick one or the other.

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Biden and his neocon friends in Congress started this war. There is no middle ground with these people. They are still living in cold war America. We need leaders with present day brains capable of seeing current reality.

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Which is (one of MANY reasons) why I'm voting for RFK Jr.

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I think you'll find this statement to be untrue. Please fact check yourself Martha. Putin and only Putin is to blame here.

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Sooner or later Ukraine is going to run out of men.

If I made rules of war one would be, don't get into a war of attrition with someone much bigger and stronger than you.

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They didn't, they were attacked, they are defending, what choice do they have?

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In March 2022, about 3 weeks into the invasion, Ukraine had a good chance to pursue peace without giving up territory (barring Crimea). But the Biden administration and Boris Johnson "persuaded" them to withdraw abruptly from the negotiations. Since then, Ukraine has been digging themselves an ever deeper hole, trading untold Ukranian lives for less territory and a weaker and weaker negotiating position. All the while, Biden & Co. is urging Ukraine to throw more bodies at the problem, and show some progress for chrissakes! There's an election coming up!

And yet, Biden is telling Ukraine to make peace... hmmm.

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"Biden is telling Ukraine to make peace."

Oh? Tell me more.

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That’s my view; not supplying enough weapons or in a timely way. Doesn’t seem like it supports winning, but more a way to push Ukraine to bargain, eventually. I don’t know.

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Here's my view. This was published in May 2023 and I dare say all its predictions remain true today. https://science1arts2and3politics.substack.com/p/why-russia-doesnt-want-to-conquer

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My sentiments exactly. I was paraphrasing the OP, "(ie, supplying Ukraine with better weapons while telling them to make peace)".

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You are repeating prefabricated talking points. Biden does not have a thought in his head and can't even pick NOT shitting his pants, so somebody else is calling the shots. That means democracy subverted beyond any point of recovery. All out war is coming.

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Dramatic much?

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So much drivel in this story. Ukrainians should not use weapons against their aggressors. When Russians hit Ukrainian hospitals with children in them with cruise missiles, the Ukrainians should think about restraint. Russian propaganda about the U.S. is something new that we should fear. And, of course, Ukraine should not be in it to win it, just prolong it until the Russians feel they have an advantage to bring to the bargaining table. Lastly, the irony of the Russians complaining about their citizens being hit by downed ordnance while vacationing on captured Ukrainian soil is rich, very, very rich.

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I think this is the first post here that makes sense!

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What would we do if that happened here?

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As if you dont understand what really happened. US attacked children intentionally. US must pay for that

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I think you need have a rethink.

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Deflected missile.

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Did you get bullied a lot in school?

Putin threaten to retaliate against the US and it's been 6 months.

Now we know the Russian military capability is largely decrepit and poorly maintained and their people are poorly trained, but 6 months is enough time to retaliate.

Putin runs his mouth a lot just like Trump.

Ukraine for Russia It only about Reunification. Everything else is noise and propaganda. Putin himself made this clear.

Putin and many in Russia see Ukraine the same as Xi and China see Taiwan

You did read Putin's white paper he wrote before he invaded ?

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