Yep! That’s why it is called the practice of medicine! We humans are not all cookie cutters. The syborgs will be different!

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I'm thinking about driverless automobiles when I should be thinking about nuclear missiles.

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Fantastic piece of writing. Really appreciate it. Incidentally, the later version of PSR made a huge impact on me in the late 1970s I think when they came to my university (UW Seattle) to give a symposium on the consequences of nuclear war. I was deeply involved in the peace/antinuclear movement for the next decade. Looks like we all need to get back into it in a big way.

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Top notch, first rate vignettes. Thank you.

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Big airplanes are even worse. It's not unusual for an airplane's computer to get accidentally put into some mode that results in disaster. Once the pilots even tried to reboot the computer during flight. Everyone died.

I sometimes for some unknown reason get into unfamiliar weird computer modes that are hard to escape. But I don't die.

"Why did you become an airline pilot?"

"To overcome my fear."

"Your fear of heights?"

"My fear of dying alone."

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Beautiful piece. Thank you!

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What happened with Claire's teeth?

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Well, after a few hours it was pointless to keep them, so they were disposed of as medical waste. 🫤

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Well, I hope she got a nice set of replacements.

I'm normally a peaceful guy. The last punch I threw was in the 1970s, but if I had been there when that cretin hit her, he would have lost all of his, and I would have spent the night in jail.

BTW, last I heard, hero Daniel Penny had a nice job at Andreesen-Horowitz.

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I get the idea the A-fib guy is a frequent flyer who either has no insurance or refuses to get a pace maker. I have a friend who does the same exact thing and lives under the same delusion that someone won’t fuck up and kill him. My wife has been a nurse for 30 years and has stories but in reverse about how Drs. are incompetent and she basically saves someone every shift. She’s in ortho so she’s not dealing with top line surgeons as orthopedic drs. are basically the carpenters of the human body. Ortho Drs. aren’t familiar with medications for one as be time a patient was getting Viagara in the hospital after his knee replacement. Crazy comical shit really. Both of us stay far far away from getting hospital treatment and of course if there’s an emergency there’s not much that can be done about it but those who use the ED for things they should have a regular Dr. for needs to change. In fact the medical proffesion has hand cuffed primary drs in what they can prescribe. Having a primary the used to know you and your family’s history is dead and it’s leading to worse and worse outcomes.

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Excellent as always.

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